Per an email from the Florida Transportation Builders Association on Friday:
“Please find below an email from David Sadler outlining the timeframe for submittal of some of your costs associated with Irma. David also provides a table that should be used to determine days eligible for compensation.
I have attached a section from CPAM that discusses compensation for costs associated with a declared emergency. I understand that CPAM is not a part of your contract but it provides very excellent guidance as to what FDOT will pay for relating to storm damage and delay. Keep in mind that FDOT is under no obligation to compensate the contractor for the idle equipment and labor but agreed to do this in an effort to be fair and consistent. In the case of idle labor it is hoped that your workers who lost paychecks during Irma will receive compensation equivalent to what FDOT reimburses. The process outlined in CPAM appears very straightforward and I feel confident that should you choose to follow this process FDOT will compensate you as outlined.”
From Bob
“This email is to let you know that there is a deadline for contractors to submit Hurricane Irma related impact costs to the Department. Specifics are outlined in CPAM chapter 7.6 ( but for brevity, the timeframe is as follows:
Governor Declaration issued September 4, 2017 which is set to expire 60 days after issuance unless extended. That put expected expiration date at November 3, 2017. CPAM allows six weeks following the cessation of all natural disasters covered by a Governor declared emergency related impacts to the project or two weeks after Final Acceptance of the contract, whichever is sooner. Since there are ongoing recovery efforts following the storm, FDOT will use the November 3rd date as the cessation date and will allow 6 weeks from then as the deadline for contractors to submit the information required in CPAM to the Department. Six weeks after November 3, 2017 will be December 15, 2017.
Regarding days allowed per CPAM for compensation of idle equipment and idle labor, the attached table is what the Department is operating from for consistency. The dates of the storm are relative to the south Florida locations since they were first impacted. Dates/days impacted are adjusted by the Districts depending on the dates on which they were impacted.”
Please contact David A. Sadler, P.E., with any questions:
David A. Sadler, P.E.
Director, Office of Construction
Office (850)414-5203
Fax (850)414-4874
Email: [email protected]