Surety Blog

Build buildings by building relationships

Have you noticed how many difficulties in construction relate to broken relationships rather than poor construction?. At the heart of so many heated matters is a personality conflict. The pain is revealed in all the letter writing and posturing. Often, one who may feel he was not treated with respect now demands respect in the [...]

2011-02-26T02:21:47-05:00February 26th, 2011|

The Number One Reason Contractor’s Fail

Being in the construction business can be rough even in the good years. There is so much that can go wrong on a job. But now, in this time when there is so little work and so many contractors, it is especially tough on contractors. Banks are pulling their financing on projects. Banks are not [...]

2011-02-01T01:58:58-05:00February 1st, 2011|

Slip and Falls are not Funny

If you watch America’s Funniest Home Videos, an awful lot of the humor is some poor fellow slips and falls. If you have ever been sued by someone claiming a slip and fall on your construction site, you realize that this is not funny at all. Certainly, if a contractor negligently maintains his job site [...]

2010-10-03T00:42:28-04:00October 3rd, 2010|

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