Surety Blog

Raw Material Prices for construction have risen 8.1% from September 2010 to September 2011

According to figures released by the Associated General Contractors of America, raw material prices have risen 8.1% in the past year, while the price contractors have been able to charge for new nonresidential construction has risen by only two or three percent. In other words, in this tough economy, contractors have been forced to eat [...]

2011-11-01T02:02:21-04:00November 1st, 2011|

What is the US Treasury Going To Do?

The U.S. Treasury is scheduled to stop stimulating the economy in June, 2011 through the purchase of U.S. Treasuries.  They will have completed a record stimulation by purchasing $600 billion by that point.  What will happen if this stimulus suddenly stops? Some think the stock market might drop after being “artificially” supported by the Treasury.  [...]

2011-05-17T02:07:11-04:00May 17th, 2011|

Congress Repeals Expansion of 1099 Reporting

According to Carr, Riggs, & Ingram, CPA’s, last year, congress passed legislation that would expand the mandatory filing of Form 1099. The provisions to do so were found in last year’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), and the Small Business Jobs Act (SBJA). What would you call a bill that would streamline the [...]

2011-04-27T02:10:40-04:00April 27th, 2011|

What Happens to Your Money If Your Bank Fails?

We could speculate, but it is probably better to go right to the source for the answers.  Here’s a link to the FDIC explanation of coverage for you.  Give us a call if you have any questions.

2011-04-23T02:12:00-04:00April 23rd, 2011|

Construction Material Prices Jump 2 Percent in March

Construction material prices had the largest monthly increase since July, 2008.  Oil prices rose 14.8% in the month of March.  Iron and steel prices also rose steeply during the month.  According to the Associated Builders & Contractors’ economist, construction materials rose 4 percent over the past three months.  Construction materials rose 6.9% over the past [...]

2011-04-16T02:13:41-04:00April 16th, 2011|

Effect of Government Shutdown on the SBA Surety Bond Program

In the event of a shutdown of the Federal Government at midnight on April 8, 2011, please be advised that the processing of applications and claims in the Prior Approval Surety Bond Guarantee Program, and the processing of claims in the Preferred Surety Bond (PSB) Guarantee Program, will be suspended for the duration of the [...]

2011-04-08T02:15:56-04:00April 8th, 2011|

The Government is picking your pocket again!

Ask today to have your representative or senator co-sponsor H.R. 674 and S. 164 to repeal an unfair and unwarranted withholding mandate. In Less Than 40 Weeks, Federal, State, and Local Governments will be Forced to Withhold 3% From Every Payment to Contractors for Taxes!  This withholding will often exceed the total tax liability for [...]

2011-04-02T02:18:24-04:00April 2nd, 2011|

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