Orange County, Florida just announced 119 public construction projects as part of the County’s projected procurements for the 2018/2019 fiscal year. The projected budgets for these construction projects exceed $360,000,000. Construction projects over $100,000 for the state of Florida and its political subdivisions require surety bonds pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 255.05. Although cities and counties can waive the bond requirement for jobs under $200,000, the vast majority of these Orange County opportunities will require surety bonds, so be sure to call a surety agent at Florida Surety Bonds today to make sure you have a competitive surety program in place to support your effort to win this work. A list of the projects and other information is detailed in Orange County’s announcement. You can be notified by e-mail when these opportunities are advertised for bid by registering on Orange County’s Vendor Registration System. We look forward to helping you secure profitable public work in 2019 and beyond!