Surety Blog

On-Demand Drones Give Developers an Edge

An interesting article came out earlier this week about the “uberization” of drones. There are now on-demand services giving senior housing developers a new way to oversee construction, improve investor relations and boost marketing efforts. To read the full article, click HERE. The article is triggered more towards developers, but it's pretty clear [...]

2017-11-10T14:56:16-05:00November 10th, 2017|

Changes with FDOT Bid Software

Heads Up! This month, FDOT made a switch with their bid system. Now they are using the AASHTOWare Project Bids™ software instead of Expedite®. You will need to contact Bid Express and obtain a new Digital ID to use the new software. If you already have a digital ID for Expedite, there will be no [...]

2017-11-09T20:25:50-05:00September 25th, 2017|

News from FTBA Regarding Hurricane Irma Related Costs

Per an email from the Florida Transportation Builders Association on Friday: "Please find below an email from David Sadler outlining the timeframe for submittal of some of your costs associated with Irma. David also provides a table that should be used to determine days eligible for compensation. I have attached a section from CPAM that [...]

2017-11-09T20:25:17-05:00September 25th, 2017|

What Contractors Need To Know About OSHA’s New Silica Rule

Inhaling silica dust can lead to silicosis, an incurable lung disease that can be fatal if severe enough. Those with too much silica exposure can also develop lung cancer, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The existing standard requires that silica dust particles, which are 100 times smaller than sand granules, be limited to [...]

2017-11-09T20:22:32-05:00August 23rd, 2017|

Force Majeure Contract Clause

An article on broke down how the force majeure contract clause in construction contracts can help plan for the unexpected. Per the article "Anyone in the construction business can attest to the fact that it's an industry that defines the phrase "stuff happens." And most of the time, there is someone to blame. Inconsistencies between [...]

2017-11-09T20:23:18-05:00July 31st, 2017|

2017 FWCCA Annual Convention

The Florida Wall & Ceiling Contractors Association had their Annual Convention last week at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando. Cheryl Foley and Sarah Drinnan represented Florida Surety Bonds for the second year in a row. This year was better than ever! It was held at a beautiful location, there were over 70 exhibitors and [...]

2017-11-09T20:18:18-05:00July 20th, 2017|

Changes Coming To Credit Reports

We came across an interesting article yesterday regarding some big changes to credit reports. The article states "up to 7% of people with credit scores could see them rise beginning July 1st when credit reporting agencies will start excluding most civil judgements and about half of all tax lien data from credit reports" Read the [...]

2017-11-09T20:15:20-05:00July 11th, 2017|

2017 NAWIC Construction Career Camp

National Association of Women in Construction “NAWIC” is one of the largest Women’s organizations in America. NAWIC has events throughout the year that give back to the community; one of their many events is Construction Career Camp. Construction Career Camp  provides a supportive and nurturing environment for high school girls to explore and develop basic skills in the [...]

2017-11-09T20:14:39-05:00June 19th, 2017|

Construction Spending Predicted to Increase in 2017

Per "FMI’s forecast for 2017 predicts an increase of 6% for the total value of construction put in place in the U.S. With GDP most recently reporting 2.1% growth in the fourth quarter of 2016, construction growth of 6% looks solid. Although this is a drop from the hot pace of growth from 2013 [...]

2017-11-09T20:11:46-05:00May 10th, 2017|

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