There are a lot of unknowns in the world right now, so it was nice to have something familiar to look forward to. The Associated Builders and Contractors made the decision to still put on their annual event, one they know so many people look forward to every year. They put safety precautions in place, temperature checks, curtains between booths, a more spacious layout, etc.
As the saying goes “The show must go on” and boy did it! The room was filled with fun booths, mask-covered smiles, and an overabundance of positive energy. Everyone was so happy to get out and feel a sense of “normal” with their colleagues, associates and partners.
We always try to have fun with our booth – this year the theme was “Through the Decades” and we went with the 60’s – Hippie/Flower Child theme which included tye-dye shirts and face masks made by our talented receptionist, Brianna. The crowd favorite was our VW Bus cut out for pictures. Thank you to everyone to stopped by to say hi and took a picture!