Florida Surety Bonds is a leader in the court bond industry, helping lawyers and their clients obtain court bonds in Florida and other states across the country. Our staff includes surety bond experts with years of court bond experience, as well as a licensed lawyer who litigated commercial cases in trial courts, bankruptcy courts and appellate courts before joining Florida Surety Bonds as a bond producer. Unlike most insurance agents, the court bond agents at Florida Surety Bonds have a deep understanding of suretyship, the court system and most importantly, the demands and urgency that you face when looking for a court bond. We embrace a professional, fast and supportive approach to your court bond needs.
What are Court Bonds?
Florida Surety Bonds deals in civil court bonds. These civil court bonds are surety bonds required by law to protect parties from harm that could result from a court ruling. Court bonds generally fall into one of two categories, Judicial Bonds and Fiduciary/Probate Bonds.
Judicial Bonds are designed to protect litigants from financial loss when a court orders a provisional remedy, re-establishes a lost instrument, modifies a security interest or stays execution against a defendant’s assets during the pendency of an appeal. Types of judicial bonds include supersedeas bonds, appeal bonds, stay pending appeal bonds, attachment bonds, garnishment bonds, replevin bonds, counter replevin bonds, injunction bonds, transfer of lien bonds, lost instrument bonds, distress/distraint bonds (landlord tenant), and lis pendens bonds. In Florida, a prevailing party can recoup bond premiums as taxable costs pursuant to Fla. Stat. § 57.071(1)(a) and bond premium rates are usually lower than the clerk of court’s fee for posting collateral in lieu of a bond.
For most judicial bonds, our sureties can give you a quote and tell you if any collateral will be required within 24 hours after we receive your client’s completed application, including copies of the relevant court documents and the client’s corporate and personal financial statements (for owners of privately held companies). Please note that supersedeas and appeal bonds usually require the client to post collateral with the surety because the large majority of lower court judgments are affirmed on appeal, which allows a judgment holder collect against the supersedeas bond. Sureties can make exceptions to collateral requirements for large publicly traded companies, insurance companies and high net worth defendants on a case by case basis.
We are happy to help you and your clients navigate your bonding options at any stage in your case. Whether you are seeking a provisional remedy or appealing an adverse money judgment, we will help you understand the bonding process and get you the bond you need.
Click here to apply for a Judicial Bond
Fiduciary/Probate Bonds are required when an individual is appointed by a court to protect, manage or oversee another person’s assets or affairs. Fiduciary bonds are designed to ensure that the appointed person faithfully performs their duties. These types of bonds include administrator bonds, executor bonds, personal representative bonds, trustee bonds, bankruptcy trustee bonds, receiver bonds, assignee bonds, and guardianship bonds. Like judicial bonds, many fiduciary and probate bonds can be underwritten within hours after a client submits a completed application. For personal representative bonds, administrator bonds and adult guardianship bonds up to $25,000, Florida Surety Bonds has in house authority with some sureties, meaning you may get even faster service working with us. Your client will need to submit a completed application, personal/corporate financial statements and pertinent court documents for most fiduciary and probate bonds. Please be aware that fiduciary and probate bonds require annual premium payments and the bonds automatically renew until they are released by a court order. If you have a fiduciary or probate bond and the bond has been released, please notify your agent immediately.
Our agents have estabilished close relationships with many probate attorneys, receivers and trustees who appreciate the timely, professional and dependable service that Florida Surety Bonds delivers.
We take client privacy very seriously and use email encryption to protect sensitive client data. If you want to protect your data by encrypting your bond request, we are happy to facilitate this. Please call us first and we’ll send you a link to submit a bond request using our encryption service. Don’t see the type of Court Bond you are looking for? Call us at 888-786-BOND or email us at [email protected], we are confident that we can take care of it or point you in the right direction.